Thursday, May 21, 2009

So you think you know me...

If you have a FaceBook, you've noticed that EVERYONE is doing the "How Well Do you Know Me Quizzes?" I will admit, yes I have done one. And when I answer my friends quizzes I get 40%?? These people are supposed to be my best friends, and I guess I don't know them!! :)

So that doesn't ever happen to you, I am answering this 200-question monster quiz. If you don't know me, you'll know me after this...

So....let's go!

200. My Middle Name Is: Erica

199. I was born in: S. Weymouth, MA

197. My cell phone company is: Sprint

196. My eye color is: Blue

195. My shoe size is: It varies between a 6.5 and a 7

194. My ringtone is: I have several: Just Dance (Lady GaGa), Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd) and Pour Some Sugar on Me (Def Leppard)

193. My height is: 5 Ft. 1”

192. I am allergic to: Ammoxicilin

190. I live in: Rockvegas

189. The last book I read: Currently reading Wicked and Pride & Prejudice. My last full book I read was "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (GREAT BOOK)

188. My bed is: Super comfy but has WAY too many pillows (All Bill's Fault!)

187. Are you happy with your life? I am living the American Dream!!

186. Last person to send you a text message: Bill

184. AIM or MSN or Yahoo! or gtalk: AIM - Not that I EVER use it anymore...

183. Do you email: Duh

182. How is the weather today: It was sunny and 90 degrees

181. Do you have your wisdom teeth: Yup and they are bothersome

180. Ever been to Disney World: Heck yes. I lost track of how many times I have been there. Sad, but true...

179. My favorite holiday is: Mother's Day!!

178. The perfect kiss is: When you are full of love

177. The last three cds I bought: I usually don't buy CD's but when my local Circuit City closed, I bought the following for SUPER cheap: Keith Urban "Days Go By," The Twilight Soundtrack and a Kid's Music CD for my son.

176. Last song that made you cry: "You can let go now daddy" Some country song I heard on the radio a few months sad

170. What did you do yesterday? Got up and went to work. Went to press with my paper (I am an editor). Came home, played Trouble with little Billy and did work for my other job. Pretty much it was a non-stop kind of day.


142. Love at first sight? Yes. But I don't think that love at first sight maybe your TRUE love.

141. Luck? Yes!!

140. Fate? YES!

139. God? Yep

138. Aliens? There's something out there!! I believe

137. Heaven? Yup

136. Hell? Yup and I am and I am WELL on my way. JK

135. Ghosts? Yes

134. Horoscopes? Not really

133. Soul mates? Hmmm....I think that there is someone out there for all of us. I found mine


129. Hugs or Kisses? Both

127. Phone or Online? I like both

126. Redheads or Black Hair? Red Hair

125. Blondes or Brunettes? Blondes (I am one)

124. Hot or Cold? I like to be warm...ALL THE TIME!

123. Summer or winter? question

122. Sun or Rain? Sunshine baby

121. Chocolate or Vanilla? Both

120. Night or Morning? Night

119. Oranges or Apples? Apples - Especially Granny Smith...YUM

120. Straight or Curly hair? Straight


101. Saw someone I hadn't seen in a while? I can't think of any recent incidents. I am drawing a blank.... :)

100. Cried in front of someone: A few weeks ago. I was overtired

90. Who is the ditziest person you know: Ohhh!!!! ME!! :)

89. Who makes you laugh the most: Miriam and Bill

87. The last movie you saw: Slum Dog Millionaire - VERY good movie BTW

82. The thing I don't understand: Why the sky is blue?

80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: Because it just is....

79. The things I plan on doing this season is: Finishing my "Summer To-Do List" and maybe a small trip somewhere this summer

74. The thing I'm looking forward to most: Getting married someday, watching Bill grow and having another baby (someday)

73. The thing I'm not looking forward to doing: Having to finish my yardwork this weekend...

72. Today: I got alot done and got some "ME" time

71. This summer: is gonna rock. It is my last one in my 20s!!!

70. This week: I didn't beat up my publisher at work

62. The person who knows the most about me: You will, once you are done reading this monster of a survey

61. The person who can read me the best is: mom

60. The most difficult thing to do is: Say good bye

54. First time you had a crush: 1st grade, his name was Chris. I was in L-O-V-E!!

52. Last time someone said what you were thinking: I think sometime today at work with Heeeeather

50. What is your dream job: I have my dream job. But I wish I had more money

49. First job: Paper Route then good old McDonald's - which I stayed at for 10+ years (it was a good high school/college job)

46. I hope: To win the lottery !! And world peace!

45. The worst sound in the world is: Someone screaming in pain.

44. The person that makes me cry the most: no one

35. Florida or Hawaii: Florida - It is a quicker plane ride (and I HATE flying)

33. My favorite piece of clothing: I can't just choose one. I am a shopaholic. I have LOTS of clothes that are my favorite.

30. My friends are: Awesome and I blessed to have so many

29. My computer: is my BFF. I am always on one.

28. The school I go to: I don't go to school. But I went to Bridgewater State and Marshfield High....

22. The all-time best movie is: My top four are: Wayne's World, Clueless, A Christmas Story, and Pride & Prejudice (Oh how I love you Mr. Darcy!!)

21. The all-time best thing in the world is: Knowing you are good mom to your son. And that you are loved

20. Last thing you ate: Pizza. But I need a snack

19. The most annoying thing ever is: People in thier dumb Escalades that cut me off...ALL THE TIME!! Grr....

18. The most annoying person you know is: Ha!! I know several, but I plead the 5th

17. I lose all respect for people that/who: Lie and hurt people intentionally

16. The movies I have cried at are: Oh there are many. The last one I cried for was I think Beaches

15. Last phone call: Bill telling me he was on his way home

14. TV shows you watch: 24, The Biggest Loser, How I met your Mother, most HGTV shows, most Food Network shows, and lots of others.

13. Last friend you hung out with? Heather and Jill. We went to the mall on our lunch

12. I want to be: Fabulous looking when I am 50

11. The worst pain I ever felt: A tie between labor and that HORRIBLE ear infection I had a few weeks ago

9. My room is: in the need of a makeover. Maybe for next summer's list?

8. My favorite celebrity is: hmm....Girls: Reese Witherspoon, Julia Roberts, others I can't think of. Guys: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, etc...

6. My favorite colors: Blue & Red

5. My weakness is: yummy desserts

3. Who broke your heart: It hasn't been in a long time

2. One thing that makes you feel great is: Doing things that make me feel like I accomplished alot

1. Love and the potential of being hurt OR never loved but never hurt?


OK I am totally done with this. Now you know me. And if I ever quiz you, you should get a 100% :P


1 comment:

  1. Bring on the Facebook quiz! I have my cheat sheet and I'm ready to get a 100%.


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