Apparently, this is not the first time, he has found a bird's nest in his fort. My son and his father have been at "war" with birds in our yard (we have a plethora of them!) The first time, about 3 weeks ago, my son found a nest in his fort and he threw it out on the ground (don't worry there were no eggs in it). The next day, it was back in the same spot - so my son removed it. The next day it was back! How did it get there? It was a mystery.
So Billy and his dad kept going back and forth with the "game" until one day, they witnessed the birds actually pick up their nest and fly back to the fort. (Determined little birds, huh?)
This is what I found in the nest recently.

I have issued a cease-fire to both parties.

Oh my!! I mean...I'm actually happy that the birds have a cute little nest. I'm worried that all the kids will knock it down (accidentally, of course) on Saturday though.