Monday, May 18, 2009

Crazy Crazy

So lots of stuff happening to me today...

I woke up pretty dang grumpy. I got 3 and a half hours of sleep last night because I needed to finish work for my 2nd job. It didn't hurt that I was getting paid to do so. Don't feel bad for me, I survived.

So after several cups of COFFEE, I was bright eyed and ready to go.

Today, I found out my good friend Heather (we met in college) is engaged! Yipee. I am so happy for her and she found a nice guy too. They will be happy. As a plus, I get to be in the wedding. Woo-hoo. I LIVE for this stuff. I love weddings, dresses, blah, blah, blah. This should be fun. :)

The downside of today was that I found that one of my other good friends in the hospital. They are not too sure what's wrong with her and I hope that she gets better soon!!! Keep her in your thoughts.


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