I received an email from my bride-to-be friend Heather. The email was entitled "Dresses."
I immediately opened up the email with glee. "Ooooohhhh...I wonder what she has in mind," I thought.
I scroll down to look at the pictures...
OH NO!!!
There were big black & white layered poofy messes, hot pink bedazzled ones with slits running across the stomach. There was also a lime green one that caught my eye. It had slits going up to the waist and exposed many parts of the body, something that would either make my grandma proud, or give her a heart attack.
Of course my friend wrote, "Just Kidding!" at the end of the email. She then proceeded to send us girls more girly, trendy dresses.
But her email gave me inspiration for today's blog. Let's create a mass search on the internet and find the UGLIEST bridesmaids dresses ever!
Let's Begin!

It's like Gone With the Wind, but way bluer and shiner.
Wow....umbrella's ladies?
Do you really think that those are going to protect you from the rain or the sun?
I hope you used those umbrella's to "take out" the bride at the end of the wedding...

Look at me! My dress has a tail fin and yours doesn't!
Did the bride have a Little Mermaid themed wedding?
If so, where's Flounder?

Hellllooooo '80s!
Sequin's? Check.
Taffeta sleevy-collar thingies? Check.
Big fun poofy skirt? Check.
Yup it is from the '80s.
P.S. - Nice sandals.

Wow. Have a sleeve of ruffles.
I think that I see an arm in there somewhere....
I have to admit, I am kinda digging the hat....

Now Molly Ringwald...
You know how much I love you.
But I was not liking the dress you created for your prom in
"Pretty in Pink." It is like a Moo-Moo that got in a fight with scissors and lost.
I always wished that you kept the original dress "as is."
Where this is technically a "Prom" dress, it really doesn't count.
So you are off the hook Molly.

Ohhh...Becky Bloomwood!!
Suzie was NOT a nice friend when she picked out this
Barbie meets Rainbow Brite bridesmaid dress. I would have sold it too.
There are TONS more out there. Maybe I will post more up in the future. Heather, if you are reading this...please pick the tail fin, only make mine orange with a pink tail fin. Thanks XOXO!
Can't wait to see pictures of what Heather dresses you and the rest of the girls in. :-)
ReplyDeleteHeather (if you're reading this), think big; thing bright; think BUTT bow!!