It was a beautiful weekend! For the most part, the temperature was mild and partly sunny. My BF got a lot of yard work done and he finally cut down the ugly Spider-looking cherry tree in my front yard! (I helped a bit too.)
Also, on Friday I got my latest yarn fix from Knit Picks. Yeah...I am addicted to yarn. But I couldn't resist. I needed more happy colors in my life!
I have some projects lined up for these colorful goodies! Can't wait! But first, I must finish my Riff Socks! (I am so close...)
Also, this came in the mail for me:

I recently discovered Debbie Stoller from an online book club that I order books from. This is the 2nd book of hers that I own. Her books (Stitch 'n Bitch) are entertaining and very informative! Plus, the patterns in her books are so creative - I can't wait to try them out. Definitely money well spent. Visit her website:
You can actually find local SnB groups on her website where you can meet other knitters in a group setting and well...bitch. I would love to look into this and start my own group (or join one)...hmmmm...
You can actually find local SnB groups on her website where you can meet other knitters in a group setting and well...bitch. I would love to look into this and start my own group (or join one)...hmmmm...
So here we are at Monday. Back at work for me. Happy Monday! already have your own stitch and bitch club. It consists of the Queen and I. :-)