After weeks of practice, my son's school talent show has arrived. He is doing the Sponge Bob Squarepants theme with two of his other friends. It was decided
weeks ago that he was going to play the part of the pirate in the beginning song:
Are ya ready kids? Aye, aye captain!So on Tuesday, Billy and his dad went to shop for said pirate costume. Billy some how convinced his dad that he REALLY wanted to be Patrick. There were no Patrick costumes available in the store! Or anywhere else! Needless to say, they did not purchase the pirate costume.
When they returned home empty handed, I was not a happy camper. Where the heck was I gonna get a Patrick costume on such short notice?! (The talent show was on Friday.)
After calming down and thinking things out, I came up with an idea - I would make the costume! (I majored in Art during college after all!)
The costume was due in three days. Could I do it? In the famous words of Barney from "How I Met Your Mother,"
"CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!"So I got to work. Collecting cardboard, lots of pink paint and an IV drip of coffee, I was ready to go.
Here's my inspiration:

I found this picture at
Coolest Homemade Costumes. I decided I was going to change a few things around, such as making Patrick's mouth the hole he would see out of and keeping the eyes intact.
This project was really easy to do and I had it finished in 1 day. (I work extremely well under pressure.)
Here is the basic shape of the head.
Painting Patrick in Pepto-Bismol pink.Here is the final result:
I just had to try it on and dance around!
I love him!!
Bring on the talent show!