That's me on the left, with my brother and cousin Lori.
So of course, as a teeny-bopper of the '80's, I worshiped books such as:

The Babysitter's Club

Sweet Valley Twins!
Do any of you remember these books? I loved them. I always wanted to be like Jessica and be a member of "The Unicorn Club."
And of course I wanted to be like Dawn from the BSC because:
A. She was blonde.
B. She was from California.
C. She was just super cool.
I was also a BIG fan of Stacey too because she had fun clothes.
So you must wonder, what prompted Kristin to bring this up? Well, I took a quiz on Facebook titled, "Which Baby-Sitter's Club Character Are You?"
I have to say, I wasn't super excited about my results: I got Claudia.
You are the teenage artistic genius of StoneyBrook Middle School. Countless pages have been dedicated to your homemade scrunchies/legwarmers/oversized t-shirts with ballet flats. You can paint, sculpt and eat Mallomars with the best of them. Unfortunately, your older sister is a genius with a major stick up her ass. As are your parents. You had a wonderfully understanding Grandmother, Mimi, but now you must rely on your BSC pals and art teachers to boost your self-esteem. And no BSC book would be complete without describing your ""beautiful, almond shaped eyes" which is the 80s politically correct way of describing your Asian ethnicity. .
She's not bad, but she's no Dawn or Stacey. Where I will admit, I am artistic, I do not suffer from low self esteem, plus I am not Asian. :)
The result of this quiz got me thinking. Whatever happened to the Sweet Valley Twins/Sweet Valley High Books?(I lovingly referred to them as the SVH.)
I decided to google "Sweet Valley High" and got this: Diablo Cody to Adapt 'Sweet Valley High.
Ummmm....what?! A movie you say? I know that there was some sort of movie/series in the '90s that was kinda a cheesy, but this might be cool. The director to take on this project directed "Juno" and "Jennifer's Body." I would like to see the spin that she puts on the SVH sisters. I could see Elizabeth (the smart one) portraying the quirky Juno personality while Jessica is your typical "Mean Girl."
Aside from BSC and SVH, I also loved RL Stine, Christopher Pike, Judy Blume, "Are you there God? It's me Margaret," "Just Like Ice Cream," the Ramona Books, and many, many more.
Eventually, at the tender age of 9, my Aunt gave me 500 Harlequin Romance Novels and let's just say I LEARNED alot!
I would LOVE to get my hands on some of my old books! So the search begins!!
What was your favorite books as a kid?
You cropped Lori out of the photo! And we certainly do have an aunt that decided to "educate" us at an early age....though I can't totally blame her. Dad's mom managed to corrupt me too.
ReplyDeleteDiablo Cody is going to adapt SVH?! I'm a little unsure how I feel about that.