I haven't blogged in like a month.
So I decided I'd better post something before Nicole beats me with a wet noodle ;)
So where to begin? It's been a BUSY summer. Here are some highlights thus far:
I finally got my 5-year-old (ahem, almost six-year-old) baptized. Yup. You can call me a slacker but atleast I went through it, right?? Plus, he looked super cute in the sash they gave him!
Let the CCD classes begin!!
Speaking of little Billy...he broke his wrist and got a green-stick fracture in his radius. How, may you ask? Well, I will tell you. My little tazmanian devil was running over a patch of mulch at the playground of his summer camp and tripped over his own two feet. He landed on his wrist, and the rest is history. We've gone through two casts already, moving on to a third tomorrow.
So I have read all the Sookie Stackhouse Books that I can read. Now that I have read them all, I have to wait until May for a new Sookie Book! WTF!!

To top things off, there are only 3 or 4 more episodes of True Blood left for the season. They don't even start filming season 3 until after Christmas. This will not be a fun wait! :) Atleast I will see my precious Edward Cullen in November! I think New Moon will tie me over.

But speaking of Sookie Stackhouse. I think she is just so cool. So cool in fact that I am dressing up as her for Halloween!! It will be amazing! And I can't wait!

Well there are more things that have obviously have happened to me this summer. I have read alot, spent countless weekends at the beach, discovered YoVille, danced, drank and did Yoga!
Maybe I should work on my Summer To Do List?? Let's see what I have accomplished, shall we?
1. Finish peeling down the ugly wallpaper in my living room/stairway. Afterwards, it will be painted a nice beige / sand color.
(Hmmmm...well kinda. I need to scrape a little more off in my stairway, but I am afraid of the scary ladder. So I will say I am 60% done.)
2. Pay my credit cards down!! I mean it this time. This is essential because I will not buy my beloved Coach purse until they are all at least 50% paid off. (Sigh) Also, I would like to purchase a new car too (an SUV that’s good in the snow).
This is a much harder task. I got my hours cut down by 10%, until September (crossing fingers) so I hope to accomplish this through the fall, early winter. As Scarlett O'Hara says, "Tomorrow is another day!" I feel like I am up to my eye-balls in bills. Everyone wants my money :) Maybe I will come into a cash windfall? I did play the $170 million lottery tonight...
3. Watch Bill build our deck in the back yard as I enjoy a nice, cool drink. (BIG Check!!)
4. Redo little Billy’s bedroom. It is just kind of blah…It needs color! (And a new bed.) (Not yet! Need to finish #1, First.)
5. Go to the Children’s/Science Museum with little Billy and others. (REALLY big check!!)
6. Clean out all my clothes that I do not wear anymore (not making excuses saying that I REALLY will wear it again, because I know won’t.) Then I will distribute amongst my friends and whatever they don’t want goes to charity. (Yup. Got rid of alot of it. I still have a basket to have my girls go through. I was told I should sell some on eBay. Hmmmm..that may help # 2!)
7. Try to have more of a social life!! This is my LAST summer in my 20’s!!! (Working on it! I have gone to some fun bars and parties thus far. Keep 'em coming!)
Me beat you?!?! Never.... Heeheehee!