Monday, July 6, 2009

I am a Slacker!

Hey peeps!

It's been a few days since I have "blogged." It's been a busy past few days. Shall I recap?

3rd of July: I had the day off from work! Woot, woot! I baked cupcakes in the a.m. and shopped with Nicole and my wild child son, Billy, in the afternoon. Shopping is a wonderful drug. It makes me happy, just don't tell Bill. I then set off to meet Heather (with Nicole in tow) and we cruised on down to Sandy's house, she lives near White Horse Beach in Plymouth. We drank and laughed and watched fireworks and had a grand old time. My child was at his Nana's and the BF was a work. Thanks Nicole for driving my sorry ass! :)

4th of July: I spent a pleasant day at Stetson's Pond in Pembroke. We were at my friend Tommy's Aunt's house. It was a nice waterfront property where the children could play in the water and ride the boats. They even had a hot tub that me and Miriam snuck away to use. The views were nice and it was a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L day! 

5th of July: A VERY lazy day for me. I watched my son play with his Slip 'n Slide, as I worked on my tan, which I succeeded in, well kinda. I read a good portion of my book, "Living Dead in Dallas." The book is part of the series the True Blood is based on. So far, I am on book #2 and I am liking it, although, I like Twilight more. :)

Today: Back to reality. Work, work, work. My son got to go to the beach with my mom while I had to work. Boooo.... After work, I met up with my friend Matt who is visiting from Las Vegas at the Cheesecake Factory. Tiffany came along, as well as, our respectful kids - Billy and Zack. It was nice to see Matty boy again! We go back to my working at McDonald's days. Ha! 

1 comment:

  1. Read faster! I've already made it through the first Sookie Stackhouse book. :-)


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