As promised, here is a photo of the bird my son found in the house last week:

He was a tiny bird, a Finch I think.... So here's the scoop.
I was getting ready for work on Friday morning. I'd just gotten out of the shower when:
My son: "Mom, there's a bird in the house."
Me: "Oh, that's nice!"
My son: "No really, mom. There's a bird in the house."
I happen to glance over in his line of sight and by golly, there REALLY is a bird in the house!
I have no clue how that happened. But I knew I had to act fast. I had a crazy dog trying to eat it and a screaming child telling the dog not to do it!
I opened up the window, trying to coax it out. Instead the poor bird crawled between the window panes and got stuck. Crap. So gently, I had to pull it out, without squishing it. Not an easy task mind you!
Finally, the bird was free of the window pane. And then he proceeded to fly off and hide.
I was never going to get to work at this rate.
Finally, the bird reappears and I grab a towel to try to catch it. It takes two trys, but I finally catch him. He's looks so scared at this point that I hope that he is not hurt. So I hold him out the open window, he hesitates and flys off.
It was an exciting morning. But I hope that it does not happen again!