Monday, March 14, 2011

My Weekend

I had a very busy weekend! Between watching my son pedal his way around on his Big-Boy bike (he just learned to do it by himself last week) and fitting in a yoga workout, I am bushed!

It was a beautiful weekend! For the most part, the temperature was mild and partly sunny. My BF got a lot of yard work done and he finally cut down the ugly Spider-looking cherry tree in my front yard! (I helped a bit too.)

Also, on Friday I got my latest yarn fix from Knit Picks. Yeah...I am addicted to yarn. But I couldn't resist. I needed more happy colors in my life!

These colors remind me of Springtime!

I have some projects lined up for these colorful goodies! Can't wait! But first, I must finish my Riff Socks! (I am so close...)

Also, this came in the mail for me:

jacket image for Stitch 'n Bitch Superstar Knitting

I recently discovered Debbie Stoller from an online book club that I order books from. This is the 2nd book of hers that I own. Her books (Stitch 'n Bitch) are entertaining and very informative! Plus, the patterns in her books are so creative - I can't wait to try them out. Definitely money well spent. Visit her website:

You can actually find local SnB groups on her website where you can meet other knitters in a group setting and well...bitch. I would love to look into this and start my own group (or join one)...hmmmm...

So here we are at Monday. Back at work for me. Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. already have your own stitch and bitch club. It consists of the Queen and I. :-)


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